無論你是對瑜珈有興趣的初學者或是已學習一段時間的朋友,我們都歡迎您加入。我從2000年開始學習艾楊格瑜珈並且從2010年開始教學, 現在我很高興能與在台北班級上課的人分享我所學習的成果。我很幸運在倫敦的第一堂瑜珈課認識了艾揚格瑜珈。 當我嘗試其他方法時, 我堅持由B.K.S. Iyengar 所開發的精確瑜珈風格, 因為他是專注在正位及安全上。 這裡的正位不只是身體的姿勢,還包括身體的正位,呼吸及心靈,而所有人透過這個方法學習都是安全的。
學習瑜珈3年後,我開始接受師資的培訓,隨著工作跟生活的改變, 我再次從歐洲回到了亞洲, 並且有幸與在倫敦,巴黎,香港,都柏林及巴斯的許多艾楊格資深老師進一步學習。 我分別於2015年,2016年和2018年的12月在印度浦那跟艾楊格家庭老師們學習。我取得中階三級證書。我是台灣艾揚格瑜珈協會 , 英國艾揚格瑜珈和明斯特 艾揚格瑜珈的會員。 在我的其他職業生涯中 ,我曾在歐洲及中國擔任記者和非營利組織發展顧問。
有關B.K.S. 艾揚格和更多的艾揚格瑜珈訊息, 請在此處閱讀。
令人遺憾的是, 既是良師也是益友的B.K.S. Iyengar 女兒 Geeta Iyengar 已於2018年12月16日去世了。 我們很幸運能成為她1200多名學生中的一員, 就在她過世的前3天,她還充滿活力的教我們, 也就是14號他父親誕辰的100週年。 她盡其所能的將一切教給了學生, 直到最後。這裡有百年紀念。

有關台北的每月課程表,請單擊此處 (中文)

I'm so glad I discovered Tara and Iyengar Yoga. Tara is evidently knowledgeable and able to share this in an encouraging, light and relaxed way.
- Sam Argent, Galway 2019
Tara is the best lyengar yoga teacher I've ever met! She is not only passionate, but patient while teaching yoga. With her guidance, we gradually learnt yoga postures, from easy to advanced, all with alignment. She helped me to build confidence in my practice. Tara cares about her students and always finds a way to help. Highly recommended!
- Yvette Wang, Taipei 2021
Tara is amazing. Her classes are brilliant. Just go!
-Michelle Riordan, Lahinch 2017
Tara has the rare gift of being able to quickly assess a student's needs and abilities, and then structure an effective sequence of postures around them, whilst still maintaining a great flow throughout the class. This really helped me after an illness, and enabled me to build up my stamina, flexibility and strength, much more quickly than I would have ever thought possible. This was especially apparent in group classes, where Tara managed to make each student feel like the class was designed for their own personal needs...Something I have seldom found in many years of attending yoga classes all over the world. This alone underlines her sensitivity to the needs of the individual, which really sets Tara apart from the yoga “herd.”
- Nicole Gatehouse, Hong Kong 2016
Tara has a gentle kind approach whilst encouraging & supporting her students to advance & deepen their practice. Tara’s experience is evident & she will always find ways to help students with specific needs or challenges; she is a caring, dedicated teacher.
- Siora, Galway 2018
Click here for more reviews.

Providence classes (in-person and online)
1155 Westminster St., Suite 201
Providence, RI 02909
Click below for enquiries